It is important that you are involved in all aspects of your care and planning for the future. You have a right to be involved and your Personal Adviser will seek your views and thoughts and what you want to happen.
Other information you may find useful
- Mind of my Own (MOMO) is an app that is used by thousands of young people to talk about everyday problems or complex issues that are more difficult to deal with. The app offers a secure platform to communicate with professionals and get help and advice. The app is totally free and can be downloaded onto your phone. You control who you share your information with, and when.
- IMO is an online service that provides a voice for teenagers in care and for care leavers. It is somewhere they can share stories, experiences and achievements, get and give advice. IMO also share opportunities for care leavers, like jobs and apprenticeships, and give away loads of free stuff.
- Cambridgeshire County Council work with a specialist advocacy agency called NYAS. You can contact them yourself either by phone – 0808 8081001 or you can email them on Independent advocates can help you express your views. This includes where you are unhappy about decisions on the care and support you receive. They can also inform you about your rights and help you to be heard in meetings.
- If you are an unaccompanied young person seeking asylum, you can also access specialist agencies for support. One of these is called the Refugee Council. You can contact them by phone - 020 7346 1134 or email:
Your personal information and data
You have a right to see the information we keep about you. This includes the files and records written about you when you were in care and as a Care Leaver. Your Personal Adviser can support you with this.
Alternatively, you might want to sort this out yourself. This type of request is known as a ‘subject access request’ and there is no charge. Contact the Data Protection Team on 01223 699 137 or email You will be asked to complete a form and provide proof of identification (ID). your information is normally made available within 40 working days.