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Advice and support from a personal adviser

Under the Children & Social Work Act 2017, you can ask for support from your personal adviser until you turn 25. This is regardless of whether you are in education or training. Your personal adviser will help you to prepare to live independently. They will offer advice and support after you leave care. Personal advisers should talk to you about what support you need and record this information in your pathway plan.

Your pathway plan is written by the local authority after consultation with you and important people in your life. It sets out your needs, views, and future goals. It identifies exactly what support you will receive from us. Your first pathway plan will be prepared with you by the time you are 16 years and 3 months by your social worker and will replace your care plan.

We will review your pathway plan with you regularly so that it is kept up to date. This will take place at least every 6 months, or sooner if you have a significant change in circumstances or if you request a review.

When you turn 18 years, your personal adviser will keep your plan under review with you.

Sometimes you might not agree with what your social worker or personal adviser thinks is important. We will make sure your views are reflected.

We will tell you who we share your plan with (such as your Independent Reviewing Officer (IRO), carers or advocate). When you are an adult you can tell us who you agree for your plan to be shared with. 

Your Leaving Care Team will consider with you what extra support you may need. You might, for example, need extra support because:

  • You have special educational needs or a disability (more information can be found on our SEND Information Hub. You are an Unaccompanied Asylum Seeking Child (UASC) and your immigration status is unclear.
  • You are in or leaving custody or you have had contact with the criminal justice system;
  • You are a young parent; or
  • You are going through a difficult time in your personal life.

You can make contact with your Leaving Care Service Monday to Thursday, 9am to 5pm and Friday, 9am to 4.30pm. If your personal adviser is not available, you can speak to the duty personal adviser within these hours contacting 01480 379493 or

We must provide you with a personal adviser from your 18th birthday. Where possible this will be sooner to allow time for you to feel comfortable and develop a relationship.

We will try to make sure you have the same personal adviser while you get support from the Leaving Care service, but this might not always be possible. The amount of support that you receive from your personal adviser will depend on what you want and your circumstances.

Your rights and entitlements

You have a right to be involved in all decisions about your plans for leaving care. You have a right to support from an independent advocate if you want to challenge decisions about the support we give you.

Cambridgeshire County Council work with a specialist advocacy agency called National Youth Advocacy Service (NYAS). You can contact them yourself either by phone 0808 8081001 or you can email them on

Independent advocates can help you express your views. This includes where you are unhappy about decisions on the care and support you receive. They can also inform you about your rights and help you to be heard in meetings.

If you raise concerns, we need to listen. If something is wrong, you can tell your social worker or personal adviser first. If you want, you can also talk to the team manager who can help fix things. If you still need help, you can send an email to

This includes the files and records written about you when you were in care and leaving care. This type of request is known as a ‘subject access request’ and there is no charge. Many young people want to understand the decisions made about them. If you need support accessing this information, planning how to review it, deciding who to involve, or finding a safe place to keep it, your personal adviser will help you.

To start the process you can contact the Data Protection Team on 01223 699 137 or email You will be asked to complete a form and provide proof of identification (ID). Your information should be made available within one calendar month.

We can help you by working with these services to make sure you are supported. There are dedicated workers who understand what it is to be looked after or a care leaver. If you consent we can make sure your custody officer know you are a care leaver. 

If you have been remanded:

  • Aged 16 and 17 years, we will provide you with £20 credit for your phone so you can keep in touch with your family, friends and legal adviser.

If you are serving a prison sentence:

  • If you haven’t already, we will assist you to make a Housing Application in preparation for your release.

Regardless of your age and the reason you are in custody we will:

  • Come and visit you at least every 8 weeks, this can be on family and friends visits if you prefer.
  • Write to you between visits and keep you updated on things that matter to you. 
  • Help you understand any earning potential for example through education or work.
  • Continue to celebrate and provide you with your birthday and festival gifts.
  • Arrange or cover the costs of your transport when you are released from custody.
  • If you leave custody after your 25th birthday and still have remaining Setting Up Home Allowance. We will save this for you to access on your release.