Domestic abuse is a real and widespread problem in our communities and it can be difficult for victims to seek and access support.
Cambridgeshire Libraries have been working with the Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Domestic Abuse Partnership to inform our staff about domestic abuse and enable libraries to offer appropriate support and signposting for victims.
In every library you can use a library computer to seek information and support without the risk of an abuser tracking your search. Library computers are free to use and cannot be monitored.
The following libraries offer an enhanced “safe space”, where library staff can offer a private room, phone and contact details for appropriate support services:
- Cambridge Central, Clay Farm
- Ely
- Huntingdon
- March
- St Ives
- St Neots
- Sawston
- Wisbech
Please visit Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Domestic Abuse Partnership website or look for the posters in all our libraries for local support information. The National Domestic Abuse Helpline is: 0808 2000 247. If someone is in immediate danger always call 999.