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Cambridgeshire Libraries have been awarded funding to create innovative, flexible and inclusive spaces at Cambridge Central and March libraries.

EverySpace aims to help the local community to connect, share, create and discover. Accessible, dementia-friendly and autism-friendly design is at the heart of the project, making the spaces inclusive to all users.

Overhead view of model library

We have been awarded a grant of £260,000 by the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sports. It is delivered by Arts Council England. The grant will be supplemented by £128,968 of Section 106 funding.

March EverySpace is a Go!

Installation of March Library’s new, innovative community space will take place from Monday 15 April to Sunday 16 June. While there will be some noise and disruption, the library will be open as normal during staffed hours.

Open+ will operate on reduced hours, Mon-Fri 9am to 9.30am and Weds 1.15pm to 4pm. This is to ensure customer safety for the duration of the works.

artists impression of March Library

Public consultation

Proposed designs for the spaces were developed by partners Jan Kattein Architects. The next phase of the project was a public consultation. This ran from November 17 until December 2.

There were two public events at Cambridge Central Library and March Library. Residents were able to give their feedback on the designs at the events. Plans and proposals were available to view in both libraries until 2 December.


EverySpace Swiss Army furniture workshops

These were delivered by Jan Kattein Architects.

Children pulled three different functions out of a hat, then had to use doll house furniture and craft materials to produce a creation that met all three functions. 

Here is a stop motion video created during the workshops.

Please watch in YouTube for more accessibility options. - opens in a new tab

Design mentorship scheme

There are two places for young people aged 16 to 18 to be part of the project through a EverySpace project mentorship scheme.

This will provide two budding designers with an insight into the professional design industry. And a chance to gain experience towards a potential future career.

(Applications for the mentorship programme have now closed.)

Previous EverySpace Project news releases