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Submitting a planning application

The County Council determines three types of applications:

  • County Council developments (known as Regulation 3 application) which deliver a public service
  • mineral development
  • waste development

Hand-written signatures are not required as part of formal planning submissions. Please be aware that if you choose to add a hand-written signature on submissions then this will be included in the documents published by Cambridgeshire County Council.

Planning application supporting information

Please consider the following advice and consult the documents set out below when preparing a planning application for submission.

The description of the proposed development will be made public and therefore it is important that it covers the main points of the development and that it can be easily understood (the use of informatives can assist with this).

If you are applying for planning permission on behalf of a company, please use the company name as the applicant and not your own name.

The County Planning, Minerals and Waste team will not redact any submissions and so any signatures provided on supporting documentation will be made public on the Council’s planning public access webpages.

Cambridgeshire Statement of Community Involvement (SCI)

Local Validation List

The Location and Design of Waste Management Facilities (Supplementary Planning Document)

Pre-application advice

There is a charge for providing pre-application advice to potential developers and their agents. The fee will cover some of the costs of this service. An application form and guidance notes are available below.

Disclosure of the information you have provided and our response may be requested by a third party under the Freedom of Information Act (FOI) or Environmental Information Regulations (EIR). If this is the case, the Council will be obliged to determine whether it would be appropriate to release the information, or whether it meets the tests to be exempt from disclosure under these Acts. In relation to EIR requests, although there are exceptions within the legislation that might prevent disclosure of an enquiry, these have to be considered in relation to the 'public interest' test. This means that the Council may refuse to disclose information only if the public interest in maintaining the exception outweighs the public interest in disclosing it. Where possible we will consult with you about the potential disclosure of information as part of determining our response. In all cases, the Council reserves the right to determine whether the information should be withheld or released.

Regulation 3 and waste applications

These should be submitted online via the 'Planning Portal'. This is a government hosted website that has been specifically designed for the Standard Application Form (compulsory since April 2008).

Alternatively, your application may be submitted by post to: Box no. ALC2613, New Shire Hall, Emery Crescent, Enterprise Campus, Alconbury Weald, Huntingdon, PE28 4YE

Mineral applications fall outside the Standard Application Form and should be submitted:

  • by email - complete the 'Mineral Application Form' below and send it to:
  • by post - complete the 'Mineral Application Form' and send it to: County Planning, Minerals and Waste Team, Box no. ALC2613, New Shire Hall, Emery Crescent, Enterprise Campus, Alconbury Weald, Huntingdon, PE28 4YE

Other applications (such as non-material amendments and discharge of planning conditions) should be submitted via the Planning Portal.