What is a Care Micro-Enterprise (CME)?
A CME is a small business which can provide care and support services to you in your local community.
You may pay for all of your own care and support, or receive some support from the local authority, dependent upon your eligibility.
CMEs can have up to eight full time workers or volunteers. They must be independent businesses, and could be Sole Traders, Partnerships, Limited Companies or CIC’s.
Benefits include:
- flexible and localised care and support in your home
- more choice and control around care and support options
- an alternative to more traditional care services
- longer-term relationships with the care workers who support you
We aim to make your care and support journey as seamless as possible. We stay in contact with our CMEs so they can let us know if your situation changes and you need more support.
Our Adult Social Care teams will always be on hand to offer advice or support. Information from our networks will ensure that CMEs are kept up to date and remain well-informed, so they are giving the best level of care.
Who should use a CME?
CMEs can be used by self-funders, or people supported by a social worker where the Local Authority is paying for all, or part of, your care.
CMEs are ideal if:
- you know what kind of support, or care, you want
- you are happy to contact a provider direct and explain what you need
- you are able to make decisions on whether a provider is suitable for you and whether to use them
- you are confident with organising your own care
- you are an adult social work colleague supporting a person to access a Direct Payment and need place-based care and support options to refer the person to
- you are a social prescriber or partner from the VCSE sector looking to signpost a service user to care and support services in the local community
Types of support
Personal care
Includes support with:
- eating or drinking (including the administration of parenteral nutrition)
- toileting (including in relation to menstruation)
- washing or bathing
- dressing
- oral Care
- the care of skin, hair, and nails (with the exception of nail care provided by a chiropodist or podiatrist)
Holistic home care
Day to day support and help around the home. Could include:
- cleaning
- gardening
- cooking
- laundry
- support managing administration, general correspondence and bills
- pet care
- collecting prescriptions, household essentials and groceries
- support to keep well, to socialise and to remain independent
Carer respite services
If you are a carer for a friend or family member, a CME may be able to provide respite from your caring role.