At Cambridgeshire County Council, we want to help you be the best you can be. We want to work with you to uncover your passions and aspirations and help you to find the best path to achieve them.
Whether that’s through education and studying in college, going to university, doing an apprenticeship, on-the-job-training, or succeeding in the world of work. We are committed to helping you make the most of every opportunity and can offer you support, advice and guidance until your 25th birthday.
As well as the support you will have from your Personal Adviser to focus on your career goals, we will put you in touch with our Dedicated Adviser for Education, Employment and Training, who will listen to you, understand the potential obstacles you may face, and help you to overcome them.
Our Dedicated Adviser has links with the local colleges, government organisations such as the DWP, and with many local businesses and can use these relationships to ensure you are listened to, understood, and supported as you become more independent from the Local Authority.
If you are over 18 years old and claiming certain benefits you should use the Universal job match as part of your job hunting. Your Job Centre work coach will set you up with a log-in and show you how to apply for jobs through the site. We will liaise with the local Job Centres. So that they know you are a Care Leaver, and you get the right training and job opportunities.
The Princes Trust offers some great opportunities for 16-25 year olds looking to get into work. These include:
- The 12 week Team personal development programme
- 'Getting into courses' focused on a local job sector usually four to five weeks which includes a work experience element
- ‘Get started’ courses usually based on a creative or sports activity - one week course.
If you are working and expecting a baby you have the right to time off to attend ante-natal appointments. You cannot be dismissed due to your pregnancy. You can choose when your maternity leave begins. Your employer will be expected to keep your job open for you to return after your maternity leave. Check our your rights on the Maternity Action website.