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Primary school admissions - September 2025

You can view Primary and Junior allocations via the following link: School allocation information - Cambridgeshire County Council

Do you need to apply?


If your child was born between 1 September 2020 and 31 August 2021, and you live in Cambridgeshire you need to apply for Reception for September 2025.

Junior school

If your child was born between 1 September 2017 and 31 August 2018, lives in Cambridgeshire and attends an infant school, they will need to make an application to transfer to Year 3 at a junior school for September 2025.

Middle school

If your child was born between 1 September 2015 and 31 August 2016, lives in Cambridgeshire and attends a first school, they will need to make an application to transfer to Year 5 at a middle school for September 2025. 

In-year application

If you wish to apply for a school place that is not the schools year of entry within the school year (September 2024 to July 2025), please complete an in-year admission application. 

Before you apply for a school place

  1. Check you are applying to the correct council. If you are a Cambridgeshire resident you will make your application through the Cambridgeshire Admissions Team, even if you want to apply for a school outside of Cambridgeshire.
  2. Research your options, understand what a catchment school is and how it affects your application and school transport. Look at admissions data, school's inspection results and performance data. 
  3. Make sure you read the First Steps booklet, available below. This will explain the application process from start to finish. The booklet also contains a list of all the Infant, Junior and Primary schools in the Cambridgeshire area, along with their allocation criteria.
First Steps 2025-262.03MBpdf
Size: 2.03MBFile format: pdf

If your application is incomplete, or incorrect, it could get delayed, or cancelled. You will need to confirm you have read and understood the 'First Steps' primary admissions booklet before submitting your application.

Making your application

Please apply for a Primary 2025 placement using the citizen portal.

Contact us

Please use our online enquiry form and select school admissions from the drop-down menu.

Customer Service Telephone Number: 0345 045 1370