Modeshift STARS
The National School Travel Awards

Modeshift STARS is a hugely successful and popular national school travel planning system. In Cambridgeshire, STARS is an excellent way of promoting sustainable travel to school. Over 90 schools and early years settings in Cambridgeshire are already taking part in Modeshift STARS.
Schools taking part in Modeshift STARS can expect an average 3% reduction in trips made by car to school.
Modeshift STARS is free of charge and schools can use the system to update or create travel plans which can be used for planning applications. Support, advice and resources for school travel planning are supplied free of charge to all schools in the county by the Road Safety Education team in Cambridgeshire.
Modeshift STARS also helps participating schools to:
- reduce congestion around the school
- improve air quality
- encourage active, healthy school travel
- improve road safety around the school
- gain national awards
- support Eco-schools
- have an up to date travel plan free of charge
- involve young people in active citizenship
Getting started with STARS
For new build schools, we have an interim travel plan document below which you may want to use. It will form the basis for your Modeshift STARS school travel plan which you can create once your site is in use. After site occupation, it is important to have a current travel plan to help your school to continue to promote and support sustainable active travel to school.
Other initiatives to encourage sustainable travel
There are many things you can do to achieve targets as set out in your School Travel Plan. The Actions and initiatives for school travel plans booklet contain links to schemes that you can carry out yourself and schemes provided by external organisations.
Walking Bus
A Walking Bus is a line of children walking to or from school with adult volunteers. It follows a set route with pre-arranged 'bus stops'. A Walking Bus has both health and environmental benefits. It's also a great way to meet new friends.
Need some help?
If you would like more information, take a look at the dedicated Modeshift STARS website. Our road safety team is available to help you if you need any advice or support to get started, you can email .