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Funding opportunities in Cambridgeshire

Funding for communities

This section provides information for the voluntary and community sector (VCS) on obtaining funding for activities and projects.

County Council grants

District Council grants

South Cambridgeshire District Council

East Cambridgeshire District Council

Cambridge City Council

Huntingdonshire District Council

  • works with umbrella organisations like Hunts Forum and Cambridgeshire ACRE to provide information and organise events directed at the VCS
  • works in partnership with local voluntary and community groups to apply for funding

Fenland District Council

Local Support Organisations

Local Charitable Organisations

Charitable Foundations and Trusts 

Charities, trusts, foundations and private/business sponsorship are all sources of potential financial assistance. You can find a few listed below. Research on the web or by subscription to one of the numerous funding directories and digests are the best ways of keeping up to date with opportunities.

National Government/European Funding

Big Lottery Fund is matching funds from the European Social Fund (ESF) for projects across England to tackle poverty and promote social inclusion in the  The National Lottery Community Fund  ESF is part of the European Structural and Investment Fund programme.

Funding for Young People and Families

See also the Funding for Communities section above.

Funding for Culture, Arts and Music

The Council aims to support access to cultural opportunities in the county and involves several initiatives:

  • developing work in partnership with Arts Council England, East, the District and City Councils, professional and voluntary arts’ organisations
  • general advice on the provision, management and development of arts’ facilities, projects and schemes
  • advice and support to locally-based groups and organisations wishing to apply for funding from other sources

Charitable Foundations and Trusts

Charities, trusts, foundations and private/business sponsorship are all sources of potential financial assistance. You can find a few listed below. Research on the web or by subscription to one of the numerous funding directories and digests are the best ways of keeping up to date with opportunities.


Children and Youth



Museums and Heritage

The Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF) is the largest dedicated grant funder of the UK's heritage. It is offering grants of £3,000 to £10,000 to not-for-profit organisations and partnerships for heritage projects through Start-up Grants. Applications can be submitted at any time and will be assessed within eight weeks. The HLF’s Townscape Heritage Initiative is open for application. Grants of between £100,000 and £2 million are available to support schemes that regenerate the historic environment in towns and cities.


Arts Support Websites and What’s On?

Advice, Information and Contacts

Artists in Education

The Council's Code of Practice for artists working in schools is designed to help ensure that all those involved in an artist's residency, short project or even a one-off visit have agreed how the project will operate. Forward planning and putting child safety first helps to make sure the experience is positive for all concerned.

If you are working with young people and/or vulnerable adults you will need to undergo a DBS Check.

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Arts Award

Arts Award gives children and young people (aged 7-25) the chance to explore art forms, including performing arts, visual arts, literature, media and multimedia. The award builds confidence, helps young people to enjoy cultural activities and prepares them for further education or employment.


Artsmark is awarded to schools who show a commitment to the full range of arts (music, dance, drama and art and design). The award scheme is open to all schools in England - primary, secondary, special schools and pupil referral units (maintained and independent) - and is awarded after an application, assessment and validation process.

Arts Advice and Information for Schools

Funding for Sports

Local and national funding opportunities for sports projects and activities can be found in this section.

Examples of funding available from Sport England include Return to Play: Small Grants, awards of between £300 and £10,000 to not-for-profit organisations to help more people play sport, and Strategic Facilities Fund for capital grants to refurbish and improve community facilities.

Funding for Environmental Work

Local and national funding opportunities for environmental projects can be found in this section.