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Cambridge Resident Parking Schemes Delivery Plan

1. Introduction

Parking plays a dynamic role in the delivery of the Council’s Transport Strategy. It can be used to support the delivery of Council’s objectives as well as wider Council policies by reducing congestion, making our roads safer, encouraging walking, and cycling and improving air quality.

The Council has agreed investment from the Greater Cambridge Partnership (GCP), for identified projects such as the accelerated roll-out of parking controls such as Resident Parking Schemes (RPSs).

This document has been developed in partnership with the GCP and creates a framework for the expansion of current RPSs and the review, where required, of existing schemes. It complements existing policies and supports both the Council’s and the GCP objectives to ease traffic flow by reducing the reliance on private car ownership, especially for short journeys which can easily be undertaken (by most people) by walking, cycling, public transport or other more sustainable modes transport, such as car clubs.

The feedback received from the ‘Parking Issues’ engagement has helped the GCP to mould the RPS Delivery Plan (appendix A). This plan has been split up into existing residents’ parking scheme areas, priority delivery areas, and areas for which further review is required.

The introduction of new RPSs should be considered not in isolation, but as part of a wider programme which encourages more sustainable travel choice and tackles congestion.

2. Objectives

Parking matters to a wide range of stakeholders. Residents need safe and fair access to their homes, business require loading provision, emergency services need quick access, buses need clear unobstructed routes and pedestrians need safe, unobstructed footways.

A balance therefore needs to be struck to ensure a modal shift which:

• Reduces traffic flow and congestion both in and across Cambridge City

• Encourages a move away from private car ownership

• Improves air quality and reduces carbon emissions

• Supports economic regeneration

• Promotes the use of public and more sustainable modes of transport including walking and cycling

Management of parking, including its change of use, plays a part in enabling communities and individuals to live better lives by accessing more opportunities and live in a better environment. This document supports the introduction of the schemes proposed by the GCP and where required, the review of existing schemes. It streamlines the policy surrounding the introduction of new RPSs and where required, the review of existing schemes to support the Councils and the GCP wider integrated traffic and parking management objectives.

It also supports and acknowledges the national shift for the removal of footway parking, which restricts access especially for those using a wheelchair or buggies/pushchairs and contributes towards an unsafe and unpleasant walking environment.

Schemes that are not progressed as part of this delivery plan or any newly proposed schemes which fall outside of the parameters of this delivery plan, can still be considered in-line with the Resident Parking Scheme Policy. It should be noted that the installation of these schemes would not be funded by the GCP, associated cost would need to be met by residents.

3. Implementation Programme

The implementation programme includes several steps. These include:

Formal Consultation

  • Undertake a feasibility study and define/refine a parking plan for the area.
  • A consultation with residents and other groups with a vested interest in the proposed scheme.
  • All comments raised to be considered by a board of senior officers and elected members consisting of the Council’s Assistant Director of Transport Strategy and Network Management in consultation with the Chair and Vice Chair of the Highways Transport Committee (H&T) and the GCP Transport Director.
  • Scheme approved for statutory consultation by Assistant Director of Transport Strategy and Network Management and the GCP Transport Director.

Statutory Consultation

  • Traffic Regulation Orders (TROs) formally advertised
  • Undertake statutory consultation.
  • Any objections raised to be determined by the Highways and Transport (H&T) Committee


  • Installation scheduled.

4. Responsibilities

The responsibility for delivering new RPSs will be joint and will require good communication and collaborative working. The GCP and County responsibilities are detailed below.

Formal Consultation

The GCP will be responsible for:

  • Undertaking feasibility studies
  • Drafting each scheme parking plan, in consultation with the Traffic Management Team and the relevant Local County Council Member(s)
  • Undertaking the formal consultation
  • Providing supporting exhibitions (drop-ins)
  • In consultation with the Traffic Management Team and the relevant Local County Council Member(s), agree any proposed changes to the parking plan

Statutory Consultation

  • The Council will be responsible for:
  • Preparing/advertising the TRO
  • Undertaking statutory consultation, including residents, businesses and other interested parties
  • Recording and summarising feedback
  • In consultation with the GCP Transport Director, preparing and presenting a paper to the H&T committee.
  • Considering the comments and objections raised and either approve or reject the proposed Traffic Regulation Order


  • The GCP will be responsible for:
  • Commissioning the works required.
  • Overseeing the installation.
  • Contacting residents regarding the installation programme.
  • Removing any vehicles preventing installation.
  • Keeping the Traffic Management Team updated on the installation programme and any changes to that programme.
  • In consultation with the Traffic Management Team Council, contacting residents in relation to applying for permits
  • Providing an address data base to the County in the agreed format.

The Council will be responsible for:

  • Updating the back-office IT systems.
  • Issuing permits.
  • Enforcement (Warning Notices will be issued for the first 2 weeks to allow time for resident and non-residents to adjust to the new restrictions)
  • Keeping the County Council’s website updated in relation to the consultation and installation programme.
  • Update the Resident Parking website pages
  • Activating Pay and Display equipment
  • Signing/sealing the TRO and other statutory requirements

The GCP will cover all associated implementation costs including TRO, IT updating grades and installation costs. The Traffic Management Team will provide regular updates to the GCP on progress against milestones, cost projections and spend. This excludes on-going scheme operational costs which will be cover by permit fees and residents will have to purchase permits.

If a proposed scheme fails at either the formal or statutory stage, the GCP will need to consider whether to amend the parking plan and re-consult or not take the scheme forward.