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Please note the 20mph funding window opens on Monday 15 January and closes at 5pm on Friday 22 March 2024.

On this page you will find further guidance on how to apply for 20mph funding.

Your first step is to download a copy of our application form, and then work through the guidance sections on this page. The guidance will help you provide us with all the information we need to progress your application.

As well as an example of the current application form, we have also included examples of applications from last year which were successful.

Examples of completed applications forms for successful 23/24 projects 

How to complete the online application form

Your scheme should meet the aims of the 20mph initiative as set out below. You will be asked to demonstrate how your scheme fulfils the criteria on the application form. It is important to provide as much relevant information as possible.

The following interactive map provides information which you will need to include in your application including current accident data. You can also make sure that your requested improvement is on the public highway.

(If the map does not load, please view it on the MapsCambridgeshire website.) 

Your application should aim to include the following -

  • Existing recorded accident data which can be found on our website.
  • Anecdotal evidence of accidents including reference to photographs or emails where an injury accident may not have occurred.

Your application should aim to include the following -

  • Details of how the scheme will make it safer for different user groups.
  • Reference should be made to expected safety improvements the requested change will have for groups such as pedestrians, cyclists or vulnerable users.

Your application should aim to include the following -

  • Specifically reference any local trip attractors, such as schools, amenities or sport facilities that within the extents of the 20mph area. (This list should be exhaustive as scoring here is cumulative)
  • Details of how the 20mph could result in an increase of people using active travel modes, such as walking or cycling to access the amenities.
  • Details of the expected benefits of the 20mph scheme for: users of non-motorised transports and to health and wellbeing.

Your application should aim to include the following -

  • Details of what roads are to be included
  • Details of why these roads have been chosen or roads excluded
  • Details of expected compliance level of the 20mph scheme
  • Supporting speed data
  • Details of how the proposal will positively impact user groups such as pedestrians, cyclists, or vulnerable users in your local area and if certain groups use certain routes, such as schools, care homes.

You will be able to provide a drawing, map or pdf separately once you have completed your online application via the email address.

Questions to think about for this section.

  • Does the wider community, particular those directly affected, support this scheme proposal?
  • How important is this issue on a local level?
  • Does the local county councillor support this application?

Evidence that your proposal is supported by the local community including your local county councillor. Along with a level of local consultation has been carried out to understand the support for the change.

For example, you should provide a detailed summary of what consultation you have undertaken to date. For example, an online survey, presentation at a local council meeting, letter drop or parish newsletter.

You will need to satisfy those scoring your application that the local stakeholders will be in support of the scheme and aware of what has been applied for should it be successful.


  • Does the wider community, particularly those directly affected, support this scheme proposal?
  • How has the level of local support been determined?
  • How important is this issue on a local level?
  • Does the local county councillor support this application?

For example, you could provide a detailed summary of what consultation you have undertaken to date. This could include: an online survey, presentation at a local council meeting, letter drop or parish newsletter.

Further scoring criteria

In addition to the above five criteria your application will also be assessed on how deliverable your project is perceived to be based on your requested improvement; and how fully the above criteria has been answered in your submission.

You will need to provide the population of the area you are applying on behalf of as part of your application. This should be based on indicative parish population estimates Cambridgeshire Insight website

Read the document below to find out more about how the applications are assessed.

20mph Prioritisation Matrix143KBpdf
Size: 143KBFile format: pdf

Frequently asked questions

Wherever possible, 20mph limits should be ‘self‐enforcing’ and prior to making an application the applicant should satisfy themselves that their proposed 20mph is located in an area where reduced vehicles speeds are achievable.

Applicants should also be confident that the majority of motorists will comply with the reduced limit. There should be no expectation on the police to provide additional enforcement beyond their current routine activity.

There is no limit on the size of the project which can be applied for via the 20mph fund.

It is anticipated that the application process will open up yearly for new applications, which will then be scored via the prioritisation matrix. However, unlike the LHI process which starts from scratch each year, the previously applied for 20mph schemes will still sit on a long list, with only those new applications being scored, ranked and then added to the applications already received / scored, with the highest ranked applications on the list then being funded.

Previous 2023/24 applicants can re-apply with an updated application (referring to their previous application if they wish).

Anyone can make an application for a 20mph limit as long as they are able to answer the questions in the online application form fully, and have the support of their local county councillor.

A single application which details all of the roads to be covered by the 20mph limit within the requested area should be submitted.


The application window proposed for the next 20mph application round will be as follows: -

  • Application window opens on Monday 15 January 2024
  • Application window closes on Friday 15 March 2024 at 5pm
  • Prioritisation process undertaken between April and June 2024
  • Report to committee including prioritised list for approval - TBC 2024

What happens next?

  1. The applicant will submit a completed online 20mph form.
  2. Applications are then sifted, and checked by officers.
  3. 20mph applications are reviewed on a district wide basis and assigned to individual officers to progress. If needed, officers will liaise with the applicant if anything about the application is unclear.
  4. The officer group will reconvene to review all 20mph applications as a group using the prioritisation matrix and moderate.
  5. The 20mph scheme scores are then ranked for delivery up to the budget available.
  6. The prioritised list is shared with the 20mph member working group to review.
  7. The final list will then be presented to the next available Highways and Transport Committee meeting.


If your application receives funding, you will be asked to confirm in writing that you approve commencement of the scheme.

If we do not receive the above, or if circumstances have changed, we will reallocate funding to the next prioritised application.

The projects will be designed and delivered sequentially as a package to get best value.