If a highway improvement is not in our Highway Capital Maintenance Programme or was not successful in securing Local Highway Improvement (LHI) funding, a community can take action to fund the improvement independently via the Privately Funding Highway Improvements (PFHI) initiative.
Once a community has secured funding for their proposed project (which may include maintenance costs), we will work with them through the PFHI process.
Preparing an application
Firstly, take a look at the highway measures we offer that may help address the issue you are experiencing or may benefit your local area. You should be able to identify the aim of your application, describing in detail the location and the highway issue you are trying to solve. Further advice on this will be given after we have received your application.
Submitting an application
There are three different types of application for PFHI projects:
- Maintenance applications are for small highway improvements.
- Traffic Regulation Order applications are for improvements or traffic restrictions that require a legal order.
- Highway Project applications are for large projects or safety schemes.
You can find out more about each one below.
Maintenance applications
A maintenance application covers small improvements such as:
- Additional/replacement posts, signs or bollards.
- Refresh existing road markings.
- Assistance in identifying locations for a new Mobile Vehicle Activated Sign (MVAS)/ Speed Indicating Devices (SID).
- New short sections of footway and/or kerbing.
If you are unsure whether this application is suitable for your needs, please contact the Maintenance team at highways@cambridgeshire.gov.uk.
To apply, please download the PFHI Maintenance application form below and follow the instructions. This application form will need to be emailed to the Maintenance team at highways@cambridgeshire.gov.uk.
Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) applications
A Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) application is for amendments to the highway that require a legal order. It covers
- Small sections of waiting restrictions (double or single yellow lines).
- Speed limit amendments.
If you are unsure whether this application is suitable for your needs, please contact the Policy and Regulation Team at policy.andregulation@cambridgeshire.gov.uk.
To apply, please complete the online form.
Design and delivery applications
A Design and delivery application is for larger scale projects. Areas this application will cover include:
- Traffic calming scheme.
- Large scale parking management scheme.
- New footway/cycleway.
- Improvement or safety scheme.
- Pedestrian crossings.
If you are unsure whether this application is suitable for your needs, please contact the Local Highway Projects Team at local.projects@cambridgeshire.gov.uk.
To apply, please download the PFHI (Highway Projects) application form below and follow the instructions. Application forms need to be emailed to the Local Highway Projects Team at local.projects@cambridgeshire.gov.uk.