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Local Highway Improvement Delivery Programme

Delivery Programme Banner (002)

This page allows you to check the delivery progress of your local highway improvement project.

The updates are tracked from approval through to completion. There is a coloured, red, amber, green status linked to each project to highlight whether it is on track or not.

This page is updated monthly by officers.

Progress updates

RED RED – Project facing difficulties preventing delivery
AMBER AMBER – Highlighted concerns to overcome regarding delivery.
GREEN GREEN – No current issues, on target to be delivered.
Update as at 18 September 2024
Local Member Parish/Town Street Works RAG STATUS (Project Progress towards delivery) Project update and any issues or variance explanation
C Rae (Castle) Castle Benson / Canterbury and North Street Civils/Parking restrictions - double yellow lining, new textured road markings, GW feature and build out with planter. GREEN Works are considerably complete at Benson Street; only awaiting planter and signage delivery / installation. Canterbury Street build - awaiting operational delivery dates
Cllr Alex Beckett o.b.o. Red Cross RA, Neighbourhood Watch Scheme and Childrens Committee Queen Ediths Red Cross Lane and Greenlands Signs/Lines - Signs/lines to improve route for active travel users (on public highway sections only). GREEN Pricing occurring following consultation with applicant.
Anna Crutchley (Community Group) & Cllr Rae Castle Canterbury Street Signs/Lines - A one-way traffic system on the eastern end of Canterbury Street, Cambridge. RED Informal consultation concluded with 80% of respondents voting No to a one-way solution.
Cllr Alex Bulat Abbey Peverel Road Parking restrictions - Introduce parking restrictions for the entire length of the entrance to Peverel Road estate from Barnwell Road and the junction of Barnwell Road with Rayson Way. GREEN Works are operationally complete.
Cllr Hilary Cox Condron Arbury Roland Close School St - Signs restricting parking and any car movement on the street at school pick up and drop off times. GREEN Design stage. Detailed design of feasible solutions being consulted with applicants.
Cllr Bryony Goodliffe Cherry Hinton Bosworth Road School St - Signs restricting parking and any car movement on the street at school pick up and drop off times. GREEN Design stage. Detailed design of feasible solutions being consulted with applicants.
Cllr Elisa Meschini Kings Hedges Green Park Parking restrictions - Install DYL's on both sides for the last 20m of junction with Green End Road. GREEN Works are operationally complete.
Cllr Cheyney Payne (on behalf of Storeys Way RA and Cambridge Students' Union) Castle Storeys Way Streetlighting - Addition of 2 no new street lights on Storey's Way. GREEN Works are operationally complete.
Cllr Richard Robertson Petersfield Sturton St and Gwydir St Signing - Warning signs at the entrance to Sturton St from New St, and the entrance to the continuation of Gwydir St passed Hooper St. GREEN Works are operationally complete.
Cllr Katie Porrer Market John Street, Grafton Street and Paradise Street Parking restrictions - Extend the existing (Mon-Sat) 9:00-17:00 single yellow line restriction to include Sunday on John Street, Grafton St and Paradise St. GREEN Proceeding to detailed design following confirmation to proceed with deliverables through LHI programme.
Cllr R Howitt o.b.o. Guest Road Area RA Petersfield Guest Road Parking restrictions - Review the Sunday parking restrictions to provide a solution for allocating more parking on Sundays and look at potential EV charging bays. GREEN Consultation. To be delivered through GCP review. Proposal to formally remove from LHI programme.
Cllr Alex Beckett Queens Edith Clifton Road Parking restrictions - Double yellow lines or controlled parking zone. GREEN Review of detailed design required from applicant before proceeding.
Cllr Alex Bulat Abbey Riverside Parking restrictions - Install DYL's outside Stourbridge House. Designate one long bay on the other side, at the entrance of Stourbridge Common for large vehicle parking. AMBER Formal consultation concluded. Requires a delegated decision through CJAC occurring 18 September 2024.
Cllr Mairead Healy Romsey Nuttings Road Streetlighting - Supply and install 2x additional street lights on Nuttings Road. GREEN Works are operationally complete.
Cllr Mairead Healy Romsey St Philips Road Streetlighting - Supply and install 2x additional street lights on St Philips Road. GREEN Works are operationally complete.
Cllr E Meschini (Kings Hedges) Kings Hedges Nuffield Road Civils & Raised features - School Warning signs on junction with Green End Rd. Raise existing pedestrian crossing to become a raised table. Children Crossing warning signs on approaches to corner with school car park on Laxton Way. GREEN Works operationally completed 7 August 2024.
Cllr S Smith (Castle) Castle Shelly Row Raised Features - 3 sets of speed cushions to be placed 40m apart along shelly row from junction with Mount Pleasant to corner with Albion Row. Cushions to be at least 20m from any Junction. GREEN Works operationally completed 7 August 2024.
Cllr R Howitt (Petersfield) Petersfield Union Road Raised Features - Installation of 4 speed cushions from Start of "School Keep Clear" Markings to Junction with Hills Road. Installation of hump warning signs. GREEN Works operationally completed 31 May 2024.

RED RED – Project facing difficulties preventing delivery
AMBER AMBER – Highlighted concerns to overcome regarding delivery.
GREEN GREEN – No current issues, on target to be delivered.
Update as at 18 September 2024
Local Member Parish/Town Street Works RAG STATUS (Project Progress towards delivery) Project update and any issues or variance explanation
Cllr J Schumann Fordham Carter Street Raised table and speed cushions GREEN Proposals approved. Awaiting advertisement dates for Formal consultation
Cllr J Schumann Isleham Parish Council Hall Barn Road Civils - Install Give way pinch point near the existing 30mph terminal with 40mph buffer (approximately 400m) on the approach. AMBER Awaiting outcome of opportunities discussions following review of target costs.
Cllr D Schumann Wicken Parish Council A1123 Signs / Lines - Parking restrictions on both sides of carriageway in the form of double yellow lines between numbers 31 and 47. GREEN Works completed.
  Coveney Parish Council Main Street - near the corner with Gravel End Signs and Lines - Install additional signage, paired with new lining and “SLOW” markings at the warning signs, along with chevron boards. AMBER Awaiting feedback from Informal consultation from September Parish meeting.
  Swaffham Bulbeck Parish Council Various Locations Gateways & MVAS - at various locations around village. GREEN Proceeding to ordering works in September
  Witchford Parish Council A142/Sutton Road Street lighting - Install up to five lighting columns in the Highway verge / central island on the A142 with exact locations to be determined. RED Scheme withdrawn at applicant request.
  Wicken Parish Council Hawes Lane and Lower Road Creation of a give way on a junction - Install a 'Give Way' sign and road markings on the junction of Hawes Lane and Lower Road. GREEN Works operationally complete.
  Soham Town Council High Street Bollards - Install bollards/railings on the south side of the High Street to prevent illegal parking similar in nature to what is installed nearby. GREEN Original scope of project changed. Awaiting delivery dates of operational delivery of new project scope.
  Chippenham Parish Council Parkside Speed limit change - Move the 30mph zone further back along Parkside and install a solid white line to deter overtaking just after the bend on Parkside. GREEN Works operationally complete.
  Stetchworth Parish Council High Street/Ley Road MVAS - For two locations within the village, namely the High Street and Ley Road. GREEN Works operationally complete.
  Isleham Parish Council B1104/Pound Lane Speeding vehicles on the B1104 on entry to village are a continual danger to residents on Pound Land/Prickwillow Rd. Many of the houses on this section of road are built right up to the footpath and residences are also at direct risk of impact. AMBER Awaiting outcome of opportunities discussions following review of target costs.

RED RED – Project facing difficulties preventing delivery
AMBER AMBER – Highlighted concerns to overcome regarding delivery.
GREEN GREEN – No current issues, on target to be delivered.
Update as at 18 September 2024
Local Member Parish/Town Street Works RAG STATUS (Project Progress towards delivery) Project update and any issues or variance explanation
Cllr King Wisbech St Mary High Road 30mph extension and traffic calming GREEN Works operationally complete.
Cllr Count / Cllr French Elm Parish Council Main Rd Civils - Build-out / chicanes GREEN Works operationally complete.
  Wimblington Parish Council Doddington Road Road markings - Install road markings on both sides of Doddington Road to make road users aware of the possibility of children crossing. GREEN Works operationally complete.
  Gorefield Parish Council High Side and High Road Speed limit & Parking restrictions - From 60mph to 50mph on High Side and double yellow lines on High Road opposite Oxfield Drive junction. GREEN Works operationally complete.
  Whittlesey Town Council A605 Speed limit change - Reduce speed from 40mph to 30mph between two named sections of road. GREEN Authorisation to proceed with LHI approved from Developers and CCC Highways Development team.
  Wisbech Town Council Mansell Road Bollards - Bollards to be installed on Mansell Road. GREEN Works operationally complete.
  Doddington PC Benwick Road Civils - undertake footway widening, resurfacing and replace kerbs where needed to get an even finish, whilst maintaining the fall towards the carriageway. *cost is for 50m out of the total 200m length GREEN Pricing review continues. Expecting to order works.
  Wisbech St Mary PC Guyhirn High Road Civils - Installation of give-way / road narrowing features. GREEN Target cost review ongoing.
  Tydd St Giles PC High Broadgate and Broad Drove East Civils - Install a pair of dropped crossings to provide a crossing location across the road. GREEN Works operationally complete.
  Christchurch PC Padgetts Road/Church Road Civils - Install central traffic island into junction. GREEN Target cost review ongoing. Works to be delivered with resurfacing works in October.
  Wisbech St Mary Community Group High Road Civils - Installation of give-way / road narrowing features as a chicane type feature (still incorporates a give-way system) which restrict widths/encourages slowing and navigating around features to help keep
speeds lower.
GREEN Target cost review ongoing.

RED RED – Project facing difficulties preventing delivery
AMBER AMBER – Highlighted concerns to overcome regarding delivery.
GREEN GREEN – No current issues, on target to be delivered.
Update as at 18 September 2024
Local Member Parish/Town Street Works RAG STATUS (Project Progress towards delivery) Project Update and any Issues or Variance Explanation
  Ellington Parish Council (& Grafham PC) Grafham Road (Ellington) to Grafham . Speed limit - Implement a speed reduction from existing 60mph to 40mph from Graham Road (Ellington) all the way to Grafham including Ellington Thorpe. GREEN Awaiting design review with applicants before proceeding to formal consultation.
  Alconbury Parish Council Rusts Lane Signing - To be supplied and installed along Rusts Lane near sweeping S-bend. GREEN Works operationally completed 23 February.
  Barham and Woolley Parish Council Woolley Road (Barham), The Village (Barham) and Ellington Road MVAS - Speed control via solar powered mobile vehicle activated sign and posts x 3. GREEN Works operationally complete. Awaiting MVAS unit delivery.
  Warboys Parish Council Station Road Speed limit - Install a 40mph buffer zone including gateways. GREEN Works operationally completed 1 May 2024.
  Waresley Parish Council B1040 Mobile Vehicle Activated Signs GREEN Works operationally complete. Awaiting MVAS unit delivery.
  Easton Parish Council Various Locations MVAS - Installation and supply of MVAS unit(s) to cover the three locations. GREEN Works operationally complete. Awaiting MVAS unit delivery.
  St Neots Town Council Luke Street Traffic restrictions - Implement one way system and signage prohibiting caravans GREEN Further Local consultation to occur following review undertaken.
  Kimbolton and Stonely Parish Council Various Locations Speed limit change - Implement buffer zones. One on B645 Tilbrook Road and one B660 Park Lane south GREEN Works substantially completed, awaiting road markings.
  Great Paxton Parish Council Various Locations Bollards/Posts - Additional MVAS pole to be installed midway through the High St. Supply and Install reflective hazard markers on a section of verge from Church Lane to Manor Farm. GREEN Works operationally complete 20 November 2023.3.
  Huntingdon town Council Lake Way MVAS - Supply and Install an MVAS unit at the bottom end of Lake Way near to Percy Green Place. GREEN Works operationally completed, awaiting MVAS unit delivery.
  Bury Parish Council Upwood Road Civils & Signs/Lines - Installation of a Zebra Crossing GREEN Works ordered, Delivery dates 28 October to 1 November 2024.
  Hail Weston Parish Council Footway of B645 Kimbolton Rd Solar Lighting Studs - Install bat-hat solar studs on both sides of the dual use facility, this equates to approximately 220 studs
spaced at 10m intervals.
GREEN Works operationally completed 8 March 2024.
  Colne Parish Council Earith Road Civils - Construct a 55m by 1.5m wide length of footway to link into the existing footway to the south of the 6 residential properties. GREEN Requested new target cost following positive outcome for opportunities discussions.
  St Neots Town Council Crosshall Road Raised Features & Lines- Install up to 8 sets of speed cushions . Install double yellow lines on both sides of Crosshall Road at the entrance to the car park of Barley Court. Similarly install double yellow lines around the junction of Milton Avenue & Wordsworth Avenue. AMBER Formal consultation re-advertised. Will require a Delegated Decision.
  Elton Parish Council Wansford Road Civils - Install a give-way feature on Wansford Road that traffic travelling into the village is required to give-way to traffic exiting the village. AMBER Executive review conclusion to be issued in September following Road Safety comments, and speed survey findings.

RED RED – Project facing difficulties preventing delivery
AMBER AMBER – Highlighted concerns to overcome regarding delivery
GREEN GREEN – No current issues, on target to be delivered.
Update as at 18 September 2024
Local Member Parish/Town Street Works RAG STATUS (Project Progress towards delivery) Project update and any issues or variance explanation
  Hatley Parish Council Hatley St George Church to Parkers Farm Speed limit change - Implement a speed limit reduction from 40mph to 30mph from Hatley St George to Parkers Farm. GREEN Awaiting closure of Formal Consultation advertised from 30 August 2024 following detailed design approval.
  Great Abington Parish Council Pampisford Road, High Street and Cambridge Road. MVAS - Supply an MVAS unit for use on Pampisford Road, High Street and Cambridge Road. GREEN Works operationally completed,
  Shudy Camps Parish Council Village wide MVAS - Supply of a MVAS unit. GREEN Works operationally completed, One post position to be altered.
  Bartlow Parish Council Bartlow Crossroads (DYL) / Camps Road and Bartlow Crossroads (MVAS) Parking restrictions & MVAS - DYL to be installed on Bartlow Crossroads. MVAS to be used in three different areas of the village. Bartlow Crossroads and two sections of Camps Road. GREEN Works operationally delivered.
  Great Wilbraham Parish Council High Street and Church Street Parking restrictions - Installation of double yellow lines on High Street and Church Street. GREEN Works operationally delivered.
  Horseheath Parish Council Mill Green, Cardinals Green, Horseheath Green and Howards Lane. Signs/Lines - Including village gateways and other road markings within the village. GREEN Works operationally delivered.
  Little Wilbraham Parish Council (and Six Mile Bottom Parish Council) London Road, Brinkley Road and Little Wilbraham Road. MVAS - Supply of two MVAS units for use within three roads. GREEN Works operationally completed. Awaiting MVAS unit delivery.
  Boxworth Parish Council School Lane MVAS - Installation of a MVAS on School Lane junction. GREEN Works operationally delivered.
  Carlton Parish Council Carlton Village / Acre Road Speed limit change - Implement a speed limit change within Carlton Village from 40mph to 30mph. GREEN Works operationally completed.
  Dry Drayton Parish Council Oakington Road and Scotland Road Speed limit change - Buffer zones on the approaches to Dry Drayton from Oakington Rd and Scotland Rd as well as the Scotland Farm area of the village. HGV advisory signs to be installed also. GREEN Detailed designs updated following positive response from applicant. Arranging Formal consultation to be advertised / begin.
  Grantchester Parish Council Mill Way Signing - Installation of bend warning signs on Mill Way. GREEN Works operationally completed.
  Gt and Lt Eversden Parish Council Harlton Road (Lt Eversden) and High Street (Gt Eversden) MVAS - Installation of up to four posts and at least one, preferably two, MVAS units for installation/use on Harlton Road and High Street. GREEN Original project works completed. Awaiting one post position change / installation.
  Guilden Morden Parish Council Trap Road, Ashwell Road and Potton Road Speed limit change - Implement 40mph buffer zones on Ashwell Road, Potton Road and Trap Road. GREEN Works operationally completed.
  Linton Parish Council High Street and The Grip
Parking restrictions - High Street, Meadow Lane, Horn Lane, Parsonage Way, Symonds Lane, Mill Lane.
Parking restrictions, signing and MVAS - Double yellow lines at various locations. Increased signage, highlighting the free car park. An additional MVAS unit for use village wide. GREEN Submitted for pricing.
  Shepreth Parish wide MVAS - Supply of an MVAS unit to be used at various locations. GREEN Works operationally completed.
  Barrington PC & Barrington Primary School Haslingfield Road Raised Features - Installation of speed cushions (3 pairs), locations TBC at prelim design stage. Installation of new lighting to enable vertical features; - New school keep clear zig-zag markings; - DYL along section of west side of Haslingfield Rd to prevent unsafe parking and aid visibility to new developer footpath. AMBER Updated design occurred for review with applicants in late September.
  Oakington & Westwick Parish Council (and Girton Parish Council) Oakington Road Raised Features & Speed Limit Changes - Speed limit change, and installation of speed cushions at 100m spacings locations TBC. AMBER Awaiting outcome of opportunities discussions following target cost review.
  Girton Parish Council (and Oakington & Westwick PC) Oakington Road Raised Features & Speed Limit Changes - Speed limit change, and installation of speed cushions at 100m spacings locations TBC. AMBER Awaiting outcome of opportunities discussions following target cost review.
  Litlington Parish Council Footpath to Litlington Civils - Improvement of footpath sections along Bassingbourn Road, between Bassingbourn and Litlington that are in poor condition and/or not having kerbs - 75m out of required 650m linear length allowed in costs GREEN Positive outcome form opportunities discussions. Proceeding to make arrangements for work ordering and delivery.