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Cambridgeshire Transport Strategies

The County Council is replacing previously adopted Market Town Transport Strategies with district-based transport strategies. Providing a more comprehensive vision across districts, considering connectivity between market towns and the rural areas surrounding them.

Each district transport strategy supports the overarching vision and objectives of the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority's draft Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Local Transport and Connectivity Plan (LTCP) and will be adopted as a ‘child document’ of the LTCP.

The relationship between transport policies produced by the different partners in the region can be viewed here.

There are four specific district transport strategies:

The County Council has also developed Cambridgeshire’s Active Travel Strategy. This mode-based strategy provides the detailed policy basis for active travel improvements to take place across Cambridgeshire over time. Adopted in March 2023 as a ‘child document’ of the LTCP and will cover the entire county.

Frequently asked questions

Following the devolution deal in 2017, the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority (CPCA) was formed and became the Transport Authority for the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough area.

The CPCA is now responsible for producing the Local Transport Plan, which they are currently developing, called the Local Transport and Connectivity Plan (LTCP). The LTCP sets the overarching transport strategy for the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough area. The draft LTCP was consulted on during a period of public consultation in spring/summer 2022.

The County Council as Highway Authority, in partnership with the CPCA, has produced additional transport strategies that will be adopted as ‘child documents’ of the LTCP and set the more detailed transport approach by transport mode or area. More information on the LTCP and the relationship between all transport policies can be found here.

There are many strategies produced by the County Council, Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority, Greater Cambridge Partnership, City and District Councils, as well as wider partners. These relate to transport as well as wider themes such as climate change, the environment, and health and wellbeing, and have been listed in each strategy and explained how they relate to meeting the vision and objectives, or to support the delivery of the action plans. The transport strategies align with these wider documents.

The LTCP sets the overarching vision for transport across Cambridgeshire and Peterborough, including major transport schemes that are seen as a priority for delivery to achieve the vision. Due to the wide geographical area and range of themes covered by the Plan, this high-level strategic document is unable to provide the level of detail that can be included in a ‘child’ document on a specific theme or area.

The strategies set a framework for all future transport improvements to work towards. All future transport studies, schemes and interventions will need to work towards achieving the vision and objectives of the LTCP and the ‘child documents’, and their policies will need to be considered in all decision making, including identification, prioritisation, and design of future schemes. All transport studies, schemes and interventions are subject to achieving funding for delivery or delivery by developers.

All comments received as part of the public consultation period will be reviewed as part of a final evaluation of the draft strategies before they are considered for adoption. The consultation report will be published on the relevant Transport Strategy webpage.

We understand there are several recent and current consultations on transport strategies, schemes and proposals either by the County Council or our partners. Unfortunately, due to the pandemic there have been some delays in programmes that has meant key stages of different projects have come together at a similar time. Rather than delay projects further it has resulted in several projects that require public awareness and the opportunity for input at a similar time. We welcome your continued involvement.

An Equality Impact Assessment has been carried out for each individual strategy and published on the relevant Transport Strategy webpage here.