The Long Term Transport Strategy (LTTS) forms part of the Local Transport Plan and contains more detail on the major transport schemes and services that may be needed to support housing growth and the local economy up to 2031.
We consulted on the draft LTTS in June 2014.
Purpose of the Long Term Transport Strategy
There are ambitious growth plans across Cambridgeshire, with around 72,500 new homes expected to be built by 2031/6. The County Council has worked closely with district and neighbouring authorities to produce the LTTS to support these areas and keep Cambridgeshire moving.
Some of the highlights of the Long Term Transport Strategy (LTTS) include proposals for
- capacity improvements on the A10
- a new rail station for Soham and capacity and frequency improvements on the rail network
- bus priority measures on the A1307, A428 and A1303 and proposals for additional park and ride capacity
- a high quality bus network along the A1123 between St Ives and Huntingdon
- connecting key growth locations to key employment locations, and including a potential new link road between Hartford and Godmanchester
- a more comprehensive network of cycling and walking links to and from key destinations around the county
The Strategy looks to the long term and includes proposals needed to provide capacity for future growth in the transport network. These include proposals for capacity improvements on the A428 between Caxton Gibbet and the Black Cat, and A47 capacity improvements as well as exploring the potential for reinstating a rail service between March to Wisbech.
The eight objectives of the Long Term Transport Strategy are
- to ensure that the transport network supports sustainable growth and continued economic prosperity
- to improve accessibility to employment and key services
- to encourage sustainable alternatives to the private car, including rail, bus, guided bus, walking and cycling, car sharing and low emission vehicles
- to encourage healthy and active travel, supporting improved well-being
- to make the most efficient use of the transport network
- to reduce the need to travel
- to minimise the impact of transport on the environment
- to prioritise investment where it can have the greatest impact