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Electric vehicle charging points

Starting from 2035, government will be banning the sale of new petrol or diesel cars. Car manufacturers will be expected to gradually reduce sales ahead of this date. We are working on plans to provide public chargepoints to help communities switch to electric vehicles (EVs).

Our Sustainable Transport pages contain more information on switching to an electric vehicle.

  • Reduce carbon emissions: EVs play a vital role in reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Unlike vehicles that rely on fossil fuels and internal combustion engines, EVs run on electricity, producing zero tailpipe emissions. As the UK’s electricity supply becomes greener, EVs will eventually be running on zero emission power as well.
  • Combating air pollution: By switching to EVs, which produce zero tailpipe emissions, we can reduce air pollution and help reduce its negative impacts. Cleaner air means lower rates of respiratory diseases, improved overall health, and a better quality of life for everyone.
  • Energy efficiency: Compared to internal combustion engines, electric vehicles are more energy-efficient. EVs convert a higher percentage of electrical energy into power at the wheels, typically around 80%. In contrast, petrol/diesel vehicles waste a significant amount of energy as heat. As a result they typically convert less than one-third of fuel to power the car.. This higher energy efficiency means that EVs require less energy overall to travel the same distance, leading to reduced energy consumption. 
  • Reduced noise pollution: EVs also contribute to reducing noise pollution. Unlike internal combustion engines, electric motors operate quietly, significantly reducing noise levels during transportation
  • Cheaper running costs: A full charge in a pure electric vehicle will give a typical range of around 220 miles and will cost approximately £23 if charging at home. Driving 220 miles in a petrol or diesel car will cost around £41 in fuel, which can be 3 or 4 times more than the cost of charging the electric car. The cost savings are most significant when owners charge at home and have access to an off-peak overnight electricity tariff.
  • Servicing and maintenance saving: There are fewer mechanical components in an electric vehicle compared with conventional vehicles. This often results in lower servicing and maintenance costs.
  • Taxes and charges: Plug-in vehicles emit fewer or zero emissions. This means they will be charged less in clean air zones. These zones are being set up in the UK and London's ultra low emission zone (ULEZ).
  • Electric cars are easy to drive: Electric cars are simple to drive. They have only one gear, so you do not need to keep shifting between gears. It also means that electric cars don’t stall. Electric cars only have two pedals – brake and accelerator – much like an automatic car. With an electric car, the accelerator can do most of the job because of its regenerative braking mechanism. This is a way of recovering energy when you let the car slow down on its own rather than applying the brakes.

  • Battery-electric vehicles: A vehicle powered only by electricity, also known as a ‘pure’ or 100% electric car. The vehicle is charged by an external power source, i.e. at a chargepoint. These vehicles do not produce any tailpipe emissions.
  • Plug-in hybrid electric vehicle: This is a vehicle that has a battery, electric drive motor and an internal combustion engine (ICE). It can be driven using the ICE, the electric drive motor, or both, and can be recharged from an external power source.
  • Extended range electric vehicle: These are a version of plug-in hybrids. An E-REV combines a battery, an electric drive motor and a small petrol or diesel generator. The electric motor always drives the wheels, with the ICE acting as a generator when the battery is depleted.

Installing a chargepoint for your home

If you have a driveway or garage you are able to install a chargepoint on your property. There are lots of options available on the market. Some EV manufacturers offer free home chargers. It can be worthwhile shopping around. Please check with your District Council planning team to find out what, if any, planning permission you may need.

For renters and flat owners the government provides funding to help you install chargepoints on the property. The chargepoint must be installed by a registered installer. Grants are also available for landlords .

Finding a public chargepoint in Cambridgeshire

Find out where public EV charging points are in Cambridgeshire and beyond using Zap Map, Carwow or the National Charge Point Registry who provide maps of all the public EV charging points available in the United Kingdom.

Find your nearest charge point using Zapmap

Chargepoints are also available at 5 of our Park & Ride sites. St Ives, Babraham Road, Madingley Road, Milton and Trumpington have four 7kW charging points each. We are currently installing more chargepoints at St Ives and Babraham park and rides as part of our renewable energy projects at these sites.

We are continuing to look for opportunities to expand our existing ChargePoint network.

Charging points at your workplace

It is the responsibility of the owner of your workplace car park to install charging points. The government provides funding to help eligible businesses install charging points at their premises.

What is Cambridgeshire County Council doing?

Roads, pavements and street lights are our responsibility. We are working on plans to install on-street charging. We will apply for government grant funding for any suitable projects.

We recognise that residents want to be able to charge electric vehicles from home. But, many people are unable to do that, often because they have no off-street parking.

Our On-Street Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Policy outlines how we will install chargepoints on Cambridgeshire roads. We will balance infrastructure needs while ensuring highway and footways safety and accessibility.

Trailing cables across pavements to charge you car 

We currently do not allow the trailing cables across the pavement, because even with a mat protector they can be a trip hazard. You would be liable for any criminal or civil proceedings if your cable caused an accident. However, we know there are many benefit to enabling residents to charge their car using their home electricity supply. There are various solutions available on the market to safely pass a cable across the footway to allow charging. We are working on a pilot scheme to test out the various different solutions available. This page will be updated with further information on the pilot in due course.

If you do not have off street parking, you could also think about borrowing a neighbour’s charger by downloading a charger sharing app. Charger sharing allows homeowners with chargers to rent them to neighbours. Charger sharing apps include Co-Charger, JustCharge, Zap-Home, and Book My Charge.

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